Low Calorie 5 Ingredient Recipes

Are you trying to get your dream figure? Have you started your diet regime but finding it hard to continue? Well, that’s a common issue with a lot of people. Sticking to your diet becomes difficult as finding a good low-calorie dish daily gets difficult. Several times people leave their diet because it gets boring with time. Moreover, people think that most Low Calorie Calorie 5 Ingredient Recipes are tasteless.

If you are also suffering from the same issue, then you have landed in the right place. Today, we will break the myth that nutritious food for weight loss can’t appeal to your taste buds. We will share some of the best low-calorie and finger-licking recipes with you. Let’s begin!

Low Calorie Calorie 5 Ingredient Recipes

1. Chickpea salad


  • 1 cup soaked chickpeas
  • Cucumber
  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Sea salt
  • Chat masala
  • Black pepper
  • Lemon
  • Boiled potato (optional)

How to make it?

First on our list is chickpea salad. It is not just a low-calorie dish but also gives ample amounts of protein. Begin with soaking the chickpeas overnight after washing them. Then, strain the water in the morning and boil them for 10 to 15 minutes. You can also cook them in a pressure cooker with one cup of water and a pinch of salt for 1 whistle.

Now, chop the onion, tomato, and cucumber into small pieces. Add this to your boiled chickpea. Squeeze lemon on top for garnishing with black pepper, sea salt, and chat masala as you like. You can also add a few pieces of boiled potatoes if you like.

Nutritional value

Calories- 132 calories

Carbs- 23.5 grams

Protein- 6.6 grams

Fats- 1.8 grams

2. Curd Rice


  • 1 cup rice
  • 2 cups curd
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Hing (Asafoetida)
  • Red chili
  • Sea salt
  • Mustard seed
  • Chopped onion
  • Chopped tomato
  • Chopped cucumber
  • 1/2 tablespoon ghee or butter
  • Chat masala

How to make it?

Curd Rice is no less than a soul food for fitness enthusiasts. It is a fulfilling meal that is also very quick to make. Begin with cooking the rice. Take 2 cups of water in a pressure cooker to cook 1 cup of rice. Then, cook it till 3 whistles. When rice is cooked then add 2 cups of curd into it and mash it properly. Add chopped cucumber, onion, and tomato. Mix them properly. Now take a small pan and heat ½ tablespoon of ghee. Add Hing and mustard seeds along with bay leaves.

Put this heated ghee into the curd rice mixture. Top it off with sea salt, red chili, and chaat masala as per your taste. And delicious curd rice is ready to eat!

Nutritional value

Calories- 211 calories

Carbs- 26.3 grams

Protein- 5.8 grams

Fats- 9.2 grams

3. Sweet corn salad


  • 1 cup sweetcorn
  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Red chili
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice
  • Black pepper

How to make it?

Sweetcorn salad makes one of the most delicious and healthy weight-loss meals. Start by boiling the sweetcorn for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the water and put the sweet corn in your salad bowl. Now add chopped onion and tomato. Let’s make the dressing for the salad.

Begin with taking one tablespoon of olive oil. Add ½ spoonful of chili powder and ½ salt to the oil. Add ½ black pepper and then mix the complete mixture well. Pour this mixture into the salad and then finish it off with lemon juice as per your taste. This salad is very convenient to make and gives a fulfilling low-calorie meal.

Nutritional value

Calories- 134 calories

Carbs- 22.3 grams

Protein- 3.7 grams

Fats- 5 grams

4. Vegetable Paneer toast


  • 1/2 paneer
  • 1 brown bread slice
  • Salt
  • Green chili sauce
  • Chopped onion, capsicum, and tomato
  • ½ tablespoon boiled sweet corn
  • Oregano
  • Red chili flakes

How to make it?

Begin with toasting the bread. Then, heat a pan and roast the paneer pieces. You can also add some butter to the pan. Now spread a layer of chili sauce on the toasted bread and put chopped vegetables on it. Next, add a layer of boiled sweet corn. Take the roasted paneer and grate it on top of the sweet corn layer. Sprinkle salt on top of it as per your taste. Finish it off with red chili flakes and oregano garnishing. It makes a perfect dish for your nutritious meal plan for weight loss. You can have some fruit juice or sugar-free lemonade for a fulfilling experience.

Nutritional value

Calories- 92 calories

Carbs- 21.2 grams

Protein- 8.4 grams

Fats- 10.8 grams

5. Veg-mayo sandwich


  • 2 brown breads
  • Sliced onion, tomato, cucumber, and capsicum
  • 2 teaspoon mayonnaise
  • Chaat masala
  • Chilli sauce

How to make it?

In a hurry but still, want to stick with your diet? Then, a veg-mayo sandwich is the perfect low-calorie meal for weight loss. However, remember to control your portion and keep the mayonnaise amount as little as possible. Here, we will use mayonnaise only to enhance the taste.

Toast the brown bread slices till they are crunchy. Then, spread mayonnaise over the slices. Now place the sliced onion, tomato, cucumber, and capsicum on one slice. Sprinkle some chaat masala for added flavor. And enjoy your sandwich with some tangy chili sauce.

Nutritional value

Calories- 335 calories

Carbs- 41 grams

Protein- 7.7 grams

Fats- 15.6 grams

6. Oatmeal bowl


  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 ½ cup toned milk
  • Sliced banana
  • Brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter
  • Mixed dry fruits
  • Flax seeds
  • Sesame seeds

How to make it?

In a pan, mix 1 cup milk, brown sugar, and 1 cup oats. You can take brown sugar as per your taste. Cook on a medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes. The oats will start becoming soft and chewy. When the oats are cooked properly, transfer them to a bowl. Now add banana slices and mixed dry fruits in the oats. Top it off with peanut butter, flax seeds, and sesame seeds. Add the remaining ½ cup milk to the bowl now. And your delicious and nutritious oatmeal bowl is ready.

Nutritional value

Calories- 258 calories

Carbs- 39 grams

Protein- 8.2 grams

Fats- 7.7 grams


With the above-mentioned recipes, eating healthy yet tasty food is not difficult anymore. You can easily stick to your low-calorie meals for weight loss without putting in any extra effort. The recipes are also perfect for busy lifestyles as they are quick to make with very few ingredients.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What to make in 5 minutes as food?

Preparing a nutritious meal in just 5 minutes can be a challenge, but there are several quick and simple options you can consider. Here are some ideas for fast and easy meals:

  1. Avocado Toast
  2. Greek Yogurt Parfait
  3. Microwave Omelette
  4. Quick Stir-Fry
  5. Peanut Butter Banana Wrap
  6. Canned Tuna Salad
  7. Caprese Salad
What are the lowest-calorie meals?

Low-calorie meals can be beneficial for those looking to manage their weight or reduce calorie intake. Here are some ideas for low-calorie meals:

Vegetable Stir-Fry

  • Stir-fry a mix of colorful vegetables (broccoli, bell peppers, carrots, snap peas) in a small amount of olive oil or low-sodium soy sauce.

Grilled Chicken Salad:

  • Grilled chicken breast on a bed of mixed greens with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and a light vinaigrette dressing.

Cauliflower Rice Bowl:

  • Replace regular rice with cauliflower rice and top it with grilled vegetables, lean protein, and a sprinkle of herbs.

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