increase muscle size

Starting directly off with training of advanced level is not a good option. You need to be consistent especially if you are a beginner. This consistency needs to be for more than 6 months to transform you into an intermediate athlete. Looking for wired-up training to transform into advanced athletes that people have been practicing for over a year.

Increase muscle size by randomizing the various splits which can get you into shape and prove to be more beneficial in a year.

Negative Reps:

Detailed research has been demonstrated revealing the negative or eccentric part of exercise that is both a part of your productive routine and levies a positive impact or a concentric part. Many bodybuilders undertake negative training and feel more exhausted so they train with a concentration on the positives.

Dr. Arthur Jones, the inventor of the Nautilus line has been himself a big endorsement for the negative-only training. There are three basic ways to perform negatives where the primary is to lower the weight in the same slow or controlled manner as it is lifted.

Alternatively, you are not just hoisting the weight into a position and then letting gravity take it downwards; the muscles are instead used to keep the weight under control. The other way is to load more weight on the bar while lifting in the normal positive fashion and then lowering it as conveniently as possible while trying to stop the weight on the way down.

For instance, the barbell bench press requires you to have a partner who helps bring the bar back to the arms while staying in the locked position and then lowering it by keeping the chest, shoulder, and triceps muscles in action.

The normal way to perform this is post-performing a regular set. When the weight can no longer be lifted, it can still be lowered. It is, however, recommended to complete these sets by yourself and then have your partner help you.

The negative reps can also be done on your while being centrally focused on safety, For instance, while performing a barbell curl, the body momentum is shoveled up and then lowered using the biceps. The same thing can also be performed on different lateral raises for shoulders. The obvious reasons are that the negatives should not be tried as squats and should be managed only to an extent that can be safely controlled.


Yet another simple and highly effective technique which is virtually guaranteed to keep the muscle growth in shock. It usually involves having a trainer perform the exercise and on failure of which is passed to his partner who then continues unless failed.

Both the trainers go back and forth in training without breaking between sets where a few sets are wished to be at a slower pace. The sheer intensity is majorly limited to smaller muscles for example the arms and shoulders.


This is an advanced training technique that separates the consistent bodybuilders from rest. This takes in a considerable amount of energy in loading the bar with enough weight that limits repetitions to just one. It is recommended to perform this rep and then place the bar back. Take a break of 10-15 seconds and then proceed to another rep. This needs to be repeated for a minimum of 8-10 reps in a gap of 10-15 seconds each.

It is indeed a great technique to blast through the sticking points and you may further reduce the weight by 10 per cent if your body is only able to support only 5 or 6 repetitions.


This principle has come into existence since as late as 1968 and is great for eliminating the weak line in the chain and is quite effective as an exercise.

For example, most of the back exercises like the much smaller bicep have targeted the back muscles and similar is the case for chest training for adequate stimulation.

Pre-exhaustion is a process of exhausting the primary muscles first with the isolation exercise. A compound movement then allows for fresh secondary muscles to carry the targeted muscle towards the new depths of simulations.

This problem is addressed by performing isolation exercises like the flat dumbbell flies or press deck flies followed by a set of barbell presses. The flies usually target the chest muscles and leave the triceps and shoulders quite fresh. When the trainer switches to the flat barbell presses, the chest muscles become the weak link and get tired before being energized for the triceps and front shoulders.


Supersets are quick, fun and efficient. They involve performing of two exercises in an alternative fashion with a usual waiting period of 45 to 60 seconds in between the exercises. This rest is taken as long as it takes to switch from the first exercise to the second. Supersets are primarily of two versions; the first includes alternating the two exercises for the same muscle group.

Many bodybuilders try superset exercises that affect muscles from different angles and different intensities; the lower and upper chest; inner and outer back; and front and rear shoulders are a few examples.


It is very crucial to understand that bodybuilding does not just mean lifting heavy weights but a full-fledged workout routine.

It is a strategized way of working that needs a deep understanding of our bodies and techniques. It helps in the implementation of limitations while truly maximizing the muscle size through the incorporation of multiple splits in your fitness regimen.

Frequently Asked Question:

How can I increase my muscle size fast?
To increase muscle size fast, focus on progressive overload in compound exercises, prioritize high-intensity strength training, maintain a caloric surplus with a protein-rich diet, ensure adequate sleep, and stay consistent. incorporate recovery days, hydrate, and consider supplements.
What foods increase muscle size?
Foods that support muscle growth involve:
  1. Dairy Products: Milk, yogurt, and cheese are rich in protein and calcium.

  2. Lean Meats: Chicken, turkey, lean beef, and pork provide high-quality protein.

  3. Fish: Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel offer omega-3 fatty acids and protein.

  4. Eggs: A complete protein source with essential nutrients.

  5. Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas provide protein and fiber.

  6. Quinoa: A complete protein source with essential amino acids.

  7. Sweet Potatoes: A nutrient-dense carbohydrate source.

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